Shiva ashtottarashata naamaavali
om Shivaaya namaha
1. Aum, Salutations to Shiva, the Auspicious One
om Maheshvaraaya namaha
2. Aum, Salutations to Maheshvara, the Great Lord
om Shambhave namaha
3. Aum, Salutations to Shambhu, the One who bestows happiness
om Pinaakine namaha
4. Aum, Salutations to Pinakin, the Wielder of the bow
om Shashishekharaaya namaha
5. Aum, Salutations to Shashishekhara, the Bearer of the moon
om Vaamadevaaya namaha
6. Aum, Salutations to Vamadeva, the beautiful Lord
om Viruupaakshaaya namaha
7. Aum, Salutations to Virupaksha, the One of spotless form
om Kapardine namaha
8. Aum, Salutations to Kapardin, the One with matted hair
om Niilalohitaaya namaḥ
9. Aum, Salutations to Nilalohita, the One who is bluish-red in hue
om Shankaraaya namaha
10. Aum, Salutations to Shankara, the Causer of all good
om Shuulapaanaye namaha
11. Aum, Salutations to Shulapani, the Wielder of the trident
om Khatvaangine namaha
12. Aum, Salutations to Khatvangin, the Wielder of the axe
om Vishnuvallabhaaya namaha
13. Aum, Salutations to Vishnu-vallabha, the One loved by Vishnu
om Shipivishtaaya namaha
14. Aum, Salutations to Shipivishta, the One encircled in rays of light
om Ambikaanaathaaya namaha
15. Aum, Salutations to Ambika-natha, the Lord of Ambika (Shakti)
om Shriikanthaaya namaha
16. Aum, Salutations to Srikantha, the One with a shining throat
om Bhaktavatsalaaya namaha
17. Aum, Salutations to Bhakta-vatsala, the One who loves His devotees
om Bhavaaya namaha
18. Aum, Salutations to Bhava, the One who is existence itself
om Sharvaaya namaha
19. Aum, Salutations to Sharva, the great Archer
om Trilokeshaaya namaha
20. Aum, Salutations to Trilokesha, the Ruler of the three worlds
om Shitikanthaaya namaha
21. Aum, Salutations to Shitikantha, the One with a white throat
om Shivaapriyaaya namaha
22. Aum, Salutations to Shivapriya, the Beloved of Shivaa (Shakti)
om Ugraaya namaha
23. Aum, Salutations to Ugra, the fierce One
om Kapaaline namaha
24. Aum, Salutations to Kapalin, the Wielder of a skull-bowl
om Kaamaaraye namaha
25. Aum, Salutations to Kamara, the Destroyer of all passions
om Andhakaasurasuudanaaya namaha
26. Aum, Salutations to Andhakasura-sudana, the Destroyer of the demon of blindness
om Gangaadharaaya namaha
27. Aum, Salutations to Gangadhara, the Bearer of the river Ganga
om Lalaataakshaaya namaha
28. Aum, Salutations to Lalataksha, the One with a forehead eye
om Kaalakaalaaya namaha
29. Aum, Salutations to Kalakala, the Ender of time (death)
om Kripaanidhaye namaha
30. Aum, Salutations to Kripanidhi, the Treasure of compassion
om Bhiimaaya namaha
31. Aum, Salutations to Bhima, the formidable One
om Parashuhastaaya namaha
32. Aum, Salutations to Parashu-hasta, the One who holds an axe
om Mrigapaanaye namaha
33. Aum, Salutations to Mrigapani, the One who bears a deer in His hand
om Jataadharaaya namaha
34. Aum, Salutations to Jatadhara, the One who wears matted locks
om Kailaasavaasine namaha
35. Aum, Salutations to Kailasavasin, the One who dwells in Kailasa
om Kavacine namaha
36. Aum, Salutations to Kavachin, the One who is dressed in armor
om Kathoraaya namaha
37. Aum, Salutations to Kathora, the strong One
om Tripuraantakaaya namaha
38. Aum, Salutations to Tripurantaka, the Destroyer of the three cities
om Vrishaankaaya namaha
39. Aum, Salutations to Vrishanka, the One with the Bull standard
om Vrishabhaaruudhaya namaha
40. Aum, Salutations to Vrishabha-rudha, the Rider of the Bull (Nandi)
om Bhasmoddhuulitavigrahaaya namaha
41. Aum, Salutations to Bhasmadhulita-Vigraha, the One who is covered in holy ash
om Saamapriyaaya namaha
42. Aum, Salutations to Samapriya, the One who loves Sama chants
om Svaramayaaya namaha
43. Aum, Salutations to Svaramaya, the One who is infused with sound (of creation)
om Trayiimuurtaye namaha
44. Aum, Salutations to Trimurti, the One Being of three forms
om Aniishvaraaya namaha
45. Aum, Salutations to Anishvara, the One without a superior
om Sarvajnaaya namaha
46. Aum, Salutations to Sarvajna, the omniscient One
om Paramaatmane namaha
47. Aum, Salutations to Paramatman, the supreme Self
om Somasuuryaagnilocanaaya namaha
48. Aum, Salutations to Somasuryagni-lochana, the One whose eyes are the Moon, Sun and Fire
om Havishe namaha
49. Aum, Salutations to Havisha, the Receiver of oblations (of yajna ritual)
om Yajnamayaaya namaha
50. Aum, Salutations to Yajnamaya, the One who represents the yajna
om Somaaya namaha
51. Aum, Salutations to Soma, the One with Uma (sa + uma; Shakti)
om Pancavaktraaya namaha
52. Aum, Salutations to Panchavaktra, the five-faced One
om Sadaashivaaya namaha
53. Aum, Salutations to Sadashiva, the ever-auspicious One
om Vishveshvaraaya namaha
54. Aum, Salutations to Vishveshvara, the Ruler of the universe
om Viirabhadraaya namaha
55. Aum, Salutations to Virabhadra, the foremost Hero
om Gananaathaaya namaha
56. Aum, Salutations to Gananatha, the Lord of hosts of beings
om Prajaapataye namaha
57. Aum, Salutations to Prajapati, the Lord of all people
om Hiranyaretase namaha
58. Aum, Salutations to Hiranyaretas, the One who emanates the golden (light)
om Durdharshaaya namaha
59. Aum, Salutations to Durdhasha, the unconquered One
om Giriishaaya namaha
60. Aum, Salutations to Giriisha, the Lord of the mountains
om Girishaaya namaha
61. Aum, Salutations to Girisha, the One who resides in the mountains
om Anaghaaya namaha
62. Aum, Salutations to Anagha, the untainted One
om Bhujangabhuushanaaya namaha
63. Aum, Salutations to Bhujanga-bhushana, the One adorned in serpents
om Bhargaaya namaha
64. Aum, Salutations to Bharga, the radiant One
om Giridhanvane namaha
65. Aum, Salutations to Giridhanvan, the One who holds the mountains like a bow
om Giripriyaaya namaha
66. Aum, Salutations to Giripriya, the One who loves the mountains
om Krittivaasase namaha
67. Aum, Salutations to Krittivasin, the One adorned in skins
om Puraaraataye namaha
68. Aum, Salutations to Purarata, the One who resides in the wild
om Bhagavate namaha
69. Aum, Salutations to Bhagavan, the glorious Lord
om Pramathaadhipaaya namaha
70. Aum, Salutations to Pramatha-Adhipa, the Lord of the spirits
om Mrityunjayaaya namaha
71. Aum, Salutations to Mrityunjaya, the Conquerer of death
om Suukshmatanave namaha
72. Aum, Salutations to Sukshmatana, the One with the subtlest of bodies
om Jagadvyaapine namaha
73. Aum, Salutations to Jagadvyapin, the One who pervades the whole world
om Jagadgurave namaha
74. Aum, Salutations to Jagadguru, the Guru of the whole world
om Vyomakeshaaya namaha
75. Aum, Salutations to Vyomakesha, the One whose hair is space
om Mahasenajanakaaya namaha
76. Aum, Salutations to Mahasena-janaka, the Father of Mahasena (Kartikeya)
om Caaruvikramaaya namaha
77. Aum, Salutations to Charuvikrama, the pleasantly heroic One
om Rudraaya namaha
78. Aum, Salutations to Rudra, the praiseworthy One
om Bhuutapataye namaha
79. Aum, Salutations to Bhutapati, the Lord of all entities
om Sthaanave namaha
80. Aum, Salutations to Sthanu, the Immovable One
om Ahirbudhnyaaya namaha
81. Aum, Salutations to Ahirbudhnya, the Serpent of the depths (Kundalini)
om Digambaraaya namaha
82. Aum, Salutations to Digambara, the One clad in the directions
om Ashtamuurtaye namaha
83. Aum, Salutations to Ashtamurti, the One of eight forms
om Anekaatmane namaha
84. Aum, Salutations to Anekatma, the One soul of numerous (beings)
om Saatvikaaya namaha
85. Aum, Salutations to Satvika, the purest One
om Shuddhavigrahaaya namaha
86. Aum, Salutations to Shuddha-vigraha, the One of stainless form
om Shaashvataaya namaha
87. Aum, Salutations to Shashvata, the eternal One
om Khandaparashave namaha
88. Aum, Salutations to Khanda-parasha, the One who breaks through all problems
om Ajaaya namaha
89. Aum, Salutations to Aja, the unborn One
om Paashavimocakaaya namaha
90. Aum, Salutations to Papa-vimochaka, the Absolver of sin
om Mridaaya namaha
91. Aum, Salutations to Mrida, the joyful One
om Pashupataye namaha
92. Aum, Salutations to Pashupati, the Lord of all souls (creatures)
om Devaaya namaha
93. Aum, Salutations to Deva, the shiny One
om Mahaadevaaya namaha
94. Aum, Salutations to Mahadeva, the great shiny One
om Avyayaaya namaha
95. Aum, Salutations to Avyaya, the changeless One
om Haraye namaha
96. Aum, Salutations to Hara, the Absolver (of sins, bondages)
om Bhaganetrabhide namaha
97. Aum, Salutations to Bhaganetra-bhida, the One who plucked the eye of Bhaga
om Avyaktaaya namaha
98. Aum, Salutations to Avyakta, the unmanifest One
om Dakshaadhvaraharaaya namaha
99. Aum, Salutations to Dakshadhvara-hara, the Destroyer of the sacrifice of Daksha
om Haraaya namaha
100. Aum, Salutations to Hara, the Withdrawer of all things
om Puushadantabhide namaha
101. Aum, Salutations to Pushadanta-bhida, the One who broke Pushan’s tooth
om Avyagraaya namaha
102. Aum, Salutations to Avagra, the steady One
om Sahasraakshaaya namaha
103. Aum, Salutations to Sahasraksha, the One of a thousand eyes
om Sahasrapade namaha
104. Aum, Salutations to Saharaspada, the One of a thousand feet
om Apavargapradaaya namaha
105. Aum, Salutations to Apavarga-prada, the Bestower of absolution
om Anantaaya namaha
106. Aum, Salutations to Ananta, the endless One
om Taarakaaya namaha
107. Aum, Salutations to Taraka, the One who liberates
om Parameshvaraaya namaha
108. Aum, Salutations to Parameshvara, the supreme Lord